10th December 2016


It’s been quite the week for me!! I filmed a Vlog with a new artist called James TW and watched him rock out in Camden, London. Then I finally connected with someone who for the last few years has been supporting everything I do. Demi runs a fan Twitter on me?? ( I know nuts but so cool) she is super lovely and incredibly inspiring.

We chatted for over an hour as though we were old friends. She made me realise how powerful we can all be in each others lives, especially when we are in the public eye. We joked and shared our plans for the future and made plans to meet up. Do you know how much it means to me that Demi and anyone else that does it too, takes time out in their day, sometimes everyday to tweet about what I’m doing and show me unconditional support. It blows my mind that someone I have never met would have that much care for me. Anyway I plan to film a Vlog with her when we finally meet and plan a dope day of fun. Thankyou and know I appreciate it so much


Friday was a bit of a mad day for me as I was having a total ‘thinking about everything day’. I do that a lot if I’m honest, I have always been a deep thinker and sometimes over thinker. Lately I have had a lot of you messaging me to work with me or tell me how much you love what I’m doing…. again thanks.


I have been trying to figure out exactly what I want to do now and in the future. I love presenting and now producing my own content too. I truly want to create some amazing moments for both my blog and channel on Youtube. The only thing is I don’t want to just be the girl that chats to great musicians and celebs. I want to interview and collab with creative inspiring people alongside entertainers!


That’s part of the reason why for the last few months I haven’t been posting as many videos on my channel as I would like. Running a new blog that I update daily takes up a lot of time and I don’t think I realised exactly how much. It’s a different type of discipline also.

Before I would go to Capital every day practically have my diary done for me and have no time to think or even sometimes enjoy what I was doing. Now I have way too much responsibility … LOL!  I totally have to make sure I plan each day and blog post and decide what features I want to do and keep in with what you guys would like to see, watch and read.

Yesterday I saw British artist Little Simz lash out at being blocked in her career. It made me want to reach out and give her a hug and remind her of her talent and not let haters take that from her. It also reminded me of the times I have experienced that especially recently. A lot of people ask me about the music industry and how much they wish they were a part of it. What nobody tells you is that most are very fake and so ambitious they will stab you in the back to get ahead. Integrity, kindness and loyalty 3 things that you will not see much of in the game.


It’s weird girls fight amongst each other for the few jobs and famous boys to be linked to, hoping to get more attention from it. I will say if you are lucky enough to find a few good eggs ( I have) hold on to them as they are rare and very special in the entertainment industry! That’s why when someone like Simz get’s blocked it makes it so very sad and wrong.

She is an independent artist that doesn’t compete with anyone else or put out any negative energy. Here is a girl that lives for the art and is figuring out her place in the world. She is releasing an album soon and I really think it will be quite something. Check her out if you haven’t already!

Demi suggested I do a ‘Max Advice Box’ (working title) as first I laughed… now I quite like the idea. I want my blog to be a place that I can support you and we can learn from each other and hopefully laugh along the way. Girls we run the world when we stand side by side in those uncomfy heels or trainers!! 

Let me know what you think in the comment section below!



  1. Max I absolutely love everything you stand for. I always wondered why you haven’t blown up transcontinentally, or have a larger following. I think the advice thing would be great, but I do think it shouldn’t have to be anonymous. People can be Sheepish online and I think just as we hold you accountable for advice, we should be accountable for being real. I think it should be where they can of course, remain anonymous, but at least even if you have personal contact to know its not a fake person or someone just trying to be mean. Troll culture today makes so much positive outlets difficult to submerge into because someone is always waiting to be a troll, and hurt others in the ways they’ve been hurt.

    Think about how great that advice section would be. I would love to see you host panel discussions and interact on them because all too often, you’re the voice communicating but I think you have a lot to offer up yourself. I think you’re so real and very honest, I love that you don’t use your beauty as a catalyst for your career despite how beautiful looking you are. There’s a reason you’re so relatable and more so than others (not to compare) I am sure I’m not alone in wanting to see you do much much more. I have this idea in mind of having an all female panel and a moderator (preferably not you so you can be INVOLVED lol and not just the voice of reason) about the industry. Don’t lose hope. Wish you so much success for 2017. You got this sis ❤️

    1. Hey Layla,
      Thanks for being so sweet and supportive. I hope all is great in your world. I’m still on my journey to kill it.. LOL! It’s really important to me not to just want to be a part of something that on the outside seems cool and perfect, I want to love what I do and be inspiring and happy while doing it. A lot of people I know in the industry wear fake smiles and try and give of the perfect life on social media, when they are most times going through crap, insecurity and mad stress. The panel idea is dope, I wanted to about 3 years ago to ‘The Real Loose Women’ for young women online… even spoke to Tulisa and a couple of other cool girls i was friends with to be a part of it.. But too busy with work that I didn’t get a chance to do it .. But hey there is a show in the U.S called that now! How funny!
      I would love to host cool chats around all the topics we care about from life, boys, style to ambition…. We are on the same page with that….. Plus I plan to Dj and host some cool shows, but only with some great like minded people…..Thanks for enjoying the blog and for using the comment section!! Love that…..Good luck with all you are doing babe!
      Max xxx

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