15th March 2019

Lords of Chaos is the most gruesome unapologetic film we have ever watched.

It will make you feel uncomfortable, upset, hide under your jacket and wonder why the hell you are watching it.  BUT here is the catch it’s brilliant and incredibly captivating. Somehow the director Jonas Åkerlund with help from the writer Dennis Magnusson has made you understand and connect to this story of rage and adolescence pressures. It’s based on the Norwegian black metal scene of the early 1990s and tells the story of the 1998 semi-fictional book of the same name by Michael Moynihan and Didrik Søderlind.

It shows how teenagers get lost in wanting to be accepted, be cool, have success, fame, money at any cost.  It can result in mental illness and a need to please that can make even the nicest people into scary monsters. The director doesn’t hide behind any assumptions instead shows us everything in such a graphic way that you can’t help but feel emotionally affected. He tells a story that is so brutal and upsetting but finds a way to make even the cruellest people human.

‘Lords Of Chaos’ is not for the faint hearted so be prepared for extreme violence, nudity and some really loud metal music!

It’s out in the United Kingdom on 29 March 2019.