27th November 2016

Fighting over filters @melissasteel 😜

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Why are we obsessed with filters especially Snapchat ones?? It’s a question I have been asking myself after a friend pointed out ‘You love silly face filters don’t you Max?’ I started to really think about it. I was defo last to jump on the Snapchat craze hence I have such a random user name #ThisIsMaxOnSnap everything else close to my name was taken. I guess I just didn’t see the point of having another social platform to run as I was launching my blog. Also it felt like everyone was doing it to almost to be a part of some gang… FOMO is always a big factor in these things.

I fought not using the filters for weeks and then I found one I loved and that was it….You know that feeling when you are about to post a pic or comment and then decide to see how it would look with the cute filter just out of interest. Then somehow you feel like it looks so much better with you as a character that you decide to go with it. The filters now are no longer just a little brightening or skin tone changes instead now you can become a princess, look like a monster and have the biggest lips ever with big huge bambi eyes. 

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When I think deep into it I start making my own assumptions which include people wanting to play a character, hide from their normal lives and create almost a new persona. Also there is less judgement when you are filtered up right? Nobody is going to say you look ugly or have bad skin when you have a fake mask on? Less pressure and more time to in some way exsist in some fantasy world where you look and sound so much prettier and confident. 

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Don’t get me wrong I do believe there are some of us that just have fun with filters and find them hilarious but I also think there are so many more people that rely on them and would go nuts if one day they woke up and there were NO filters to use ever again. That’s the thing if you went to Snap and IG now and found all the filters were gone forever, would you still use the platforms even half as much ???? 

When you hair is curly bit your fringe is doing its own thing! 🙈🙈🙈

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We all need to remember what we all really look and sound like so don’t get to lost enjoying the characters you are creating in the world of social media that you forget who you really are.
Luv Max x