13th June 2016

What is it about Jeremey Scott and his Moschino line that makes every celeb and model want to be his friend or muse?
Well it’s taken me a little while to figure it out but I think it’s mostly because he creates an escape almost fantasy character and world that we can be part of. You say goodbye to that girl that has a routine and become a character, a princess, animation that ‘happily ever after’ person we have grown up reading about. I love that this man doesn’t focus on fashion critics or being snobby about who can wear his clothes, Mr Scott is a bit of an flamboyant sweet character, I hear so much lovely things about him that I can imagine sipping tea and taking advice from him.. LOL!
I love people that dare to be different and take some of us open minded ones with them on this journey of discovery and fun. Would I wear all these creations?… God I would love to say yes, but I’m the girl that has 80 percent black in my wardrobe….a girl can dream now and then though and have a slice of it right?