4th May 2017

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What a busy week, I literally feel like I have had no time to blog or even catch up on life, work and friends. I spent the bank holiday at the Tony Robbins ‘Unleash The Power Within’ seminar thanks to the lovely team at BuyUrTix. It was truly an experience, Tony is a man that needs to be put into a bottle and drank every day as much as water…. lol!

As some of you know I have become interested in self development over the last year. It’s something that has given me shed loads of support and tools to deal with stress, ambition and relationships. It’s quite hard to sum up how it felt being there and what I got out of it, as my attention was spent on running around collecting content for a Vlog feature idea and people trying to network with me.

10,000 people from all over the world gathered together and spent thousands in some cases to be educated and empowered over the 4 days. I’m talking areas like work, weight, health, happiness and relationships.

The event is very intense with early starts and late finishes. I think the reason Tony and his team have designed it that way is to fully immerse people into what they are teaching and sharing. I looked around the room and there truly wasn’t one type of person that fits the mold of ‘self development’. Young, old and middles aged people from all walks of life both female and male were there to empower themselves for better lives.

Tony is quite the man, I don’t think I have ever felt a connection like this with anyone else, ( maybe Tupac when I was very young) he is an incredibly awesome person. This guy cares about people and seems to be on some sort of drug of life that has him full of bucket loads of energy and positivity that you want to be around him all the time. I personally have listened, read and watched almost everything he has done in his career in one year. I did this advance catch up on everything I missed once I discovered him through Youtube and TedTalks last year. I know this sounds silly and slightly fan-girling, but our eyes met and he winked at me and I truly felt a connection. I know I sound like a Directioner or Belieber right now, but it’s how I felt.

It’s quite strange to imagine someone who spends 18 hours a day motivating, inspiring and caring about everyone else. He doesn’t seem exhausted or like he needs a holiday. I’m sure life isn’t perfect for Mr R either but he seems to of figured out the tools to make the best amazing life for himself, his family and the people that surround him. The guy oozes love, success and happiness.

‘Unleash The Power Within’ is an event that focus’s on the spiritual and mental side of humans. How we think and what it then puts out in the universe. It’s not for losers or lunatics as some would like to say, it’s more about loving yourself and wanting happiness and total love for life. That feeling of jumping out of bed and excited about your day, job, relationship and interests.

I highly recommend this event and plan to go next year, but this time totally alone to really focus on me and my goals. I found being there with a friend who I was working with great but distracting and easier to watch then take part. There is an element of being open to socialising and trusting total strangers in the room also with lots of hugs, double high fives and even 3 way massages ( it’s not how it sounds.. lol) .

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Self development is an area that a lot of us are interested in and involved in. You would be surprised how many of your fav celebs weekly have mentoring sessions and learn the art of meditation to enjoy and achieve more in their lives.

Big Sean, Serena Williams and Hugh Jackman are just three people who use these methods to live the best life they can. It’s not something to be ashamed of or do in secret. At the same time I wouldn’t say share your choices with everyone as some don’t understand so in return can put down something that totally works for you.

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Tony Robbins isn’t the only person or method to improving your life. There are so many great authors who have written books that become like bibles to carry in your bag for support and knowledge. Health wise eating better and exercising can add so much more value, energy and well being to your mind, body and heart. Doing things for yourself each day however small that maybe, getting your nails done or having coffee with that dope person also can totally put you in a great space.

If you fancy attending ‘Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within’ check out more info here and I’m sending you lots of love and hugs!

Love Max xxx