5 ways to say ‘bye bye’ to my baby!
22nd July 2017
How totally dope is it that Ed Sheeran atcually hasn’t had a mobile in nearly 2 years?? I remember him saying he was going to do it but did I believe he would be able to go through it… hell no!!
Wonder if he has a secret phone for emergencies that only his ride or die has and family. Ed has said having the no phone has allowed him to spend more time thinking more and less consumed with bullshit on social media.
Although I enjoy interacting and sharing stuff with you guys on my socials there are sooooo many negatives to this world to. People watching, bad comments, people just dissing each other and celebs all day long. It’s not the most inspirational way to live your life daily.
I have to be honest the only time I have managed to put my phone down is when I’m on holiday. Not the whole time though, if I’m honest a part of the motivation is it costs so much to use data abroad. Having said that as soon as I find wi-fi I do behave like I just won the lottery! #Loser
It’s funny I did a Instagram live this week, which a lot of my mates have been telling me to do to share my thoughts and what I blog… ( plan to do a daily one) I noticed one of my besties having a full convo with me on it which felt weird, so I said ‘Sarah call me you have my number’!
I was playing around but it did get me thinking, how many of us commuincate through likes, comments and retweets with our real friends?
It’s kinda sad don’t you think? I would rather hang or talk on the phone in person. I have compiled my top 5 ways to air your phone for a bit!
What I do is turning my wifi off during the night until the next day so nobody can reach me in the night. But I think I could never survive 24 hours without my phone even though I am not much on my phone. Mostly when I am at home I put it somewhere. I know lots of people who spend 24 hours on their phone. But I am definitely not one of them. But it’s really crazy that Ed really managed to do this