4th September 2023

Prepare to immerse yourself once again in the gritty underworld of East London as Netflix prepares to release the highly anticipated new season of Top Boy. Returning for its fifth and final installment (releasing as Season 3 on Netflix), the show reintroduces us to the compelling characters led by Dushane (Ashley Walters), and Sully (Kane Robinson), as well as the rest of the Summerhouse gang. This gripping crime drama, known for its portrayal of the relentless pursuit of wealth and influence by drug kingpins, has kept audiences on the edge of their seats. The latest trailer teases a culmination of epic drama in these concluding episodes, assuring viewers of a solid conclusion.

Created by Ronan Bennett, Top Boy delves into the intricate web of drug trade and power dynamics, with the narrative originally centering around a young school student’s mission to put an end to drug-related conflicts in his hometown. After Channel 4’s initial broadcast of the first and second series, the show faced cancelation. However, a surge of interest, notably from Drake, prompted Netflix to pick up the series. Now as anticipation builds for the show’s third and final installment on the streamer, the countdown begins to a climactic finale that promises to encapsulate the raw essence of the series.

The final six episodes of Top Boy Season 3 are scheduled to be released on September 7, 2023, only on Netflix.